An uncommon exploration of mezcal’s most common agave variety
Saturday, June 24 / 5 pm / $95
A specter is haunting the mezcal world — the specter of espadín. It grows fast in vast monoculture fields. It’s the agave variety of the people, the one in your mezcal Negroni. It’s also the variety from which the rising enthusiast may be expected to eventually graduate, as they submit to the received wisdom that wild is always better than cultivated, rare is always better than common, and more years soaking up minerals and terroir is always better than less. A tepextate that takes 25 years to mature on rocky cliffs, the thinking goes, will always be more complex and flavorful than a coddled espadín that takes 6.
This tasting is designed to blow that way of thinking to bits. You’re invited to join us in our hidden private space in Sunnyside, Queens, as we taste eight incredible and incredibly varied espadíns — some from well-known masters, and others from far-flung microregions or even states beyond Oaxaca. As usual, we’ll try spirits from our travels that you won’t find anywhere else. Among other topics, we’ll talk about how agave variety is just one important factor out of many that determine flavor, and why it’s arguably overemphasized. This is the first time in years that we’ve explored just one variety in such depth. It’s also a gathering that may open your eyes to a sometimes-hidden truth: that an everyday agave, like so much of the everyday, can contain multitudes.
To sign up, please fill out the form below, and we’ll send you an email to finalize things and coordinate payment via Venmo, Zelle, or PayPal.
This small-group tasting is appropriate for guests of all backgrounds and experience levels. You can expect some light snacks, but not a full meal. Feel free to send an email with any questions or requests:
Thanks for reading — it would be fun to share some espadín(s) with you!
Complete this form to sign up for THE MANY FACES OF ESPADIN and join us on Saturday, June 24, at 5 pm, for a tasting of eight heritage agave spirits and light snacks. We request a donation of $95 per guest.